Sunday, 13 December 2015


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
My music magazine develops and challenges real media products in many ways. I designed the name ‘vanish’ for my masthead on Photoshop first but I didn't like the way it looked so went on InDesign and started all over,I have not used font that many magazines use which in my opinion is big and in some cases bubble. due to my cover being simple i didn't go over board with my masthead even though it is very recognisable. I used a profession camera to get some high quality photos and used one of them for my front magazine cover, this is what someone working in the magazine industry would have done. For my contents page I have developed what a profession magazine will look like because i has more than one image and everything is so clear, my contents page isn't packed because i insured everything has been summarised.finally my double page spread i can say is challenging because i used two different images of the artist in two different styles which in a real media product there will usually only be one main image. 

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
My magazine will be distributed through social media such as YouTube adverts, this will work because my magazine will only come up if the audience is about to watch an indie rock song or pop, if it's other music genres my magazine advert will not come up . My magazine will be distributed in the UK

Who would be the audience for your media product?
My target audience are young teenagers they'll be indie rock and pop music lovers .Gender wouldn't really matter but I would say females will probably prefer the magazine seeing as it’s about female artists. Ethnicity wouldn't matter because everyone has different music taste regardless of where they're from.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Final magazine.

Prezie Proposal

My couple page spread interview plan.

Interviewer-We are here today with of course the one and only Miss Black, nice to see you here I have a few questions to ask you.


Zara Black - Hello good to see you too, go ahead.


Interviewer- What feeling would you like your fans to feel?


Zara Black-I want them to see and hear my music and smile with tears streaming down their face.


Interviewer-Does it bother you if a fan sees you at your worst?


Zara black-no not at all id like it if they even made fun of me like they do with their best friends.


Interviewer-Do you ever feel like you have to put on an act to be seen a different way?


Zara Black-No because people fall in love with an artist’s personality and if I act it will come out sooner or later. You cry because you’re so proud of them and sometimes they are the reason you know your best friend.


Interview-What ONE message would you tell every young artist hoping to make it big?


Zara Black- Well music becomes very personal when you emotionally connect with a message you want to send out into the world. All of a sudden you have a very strong way of delivering your message. NEVER GIVE UP. I want to inspire people because I myself was in the same boat, you have to do is stay focused stay positive and stay strong because nothing and I repeat nothing is impossible.


Interviewer: Is your family musical?


Zara Black: No not everyone they certainly enjoy listening to music but none are passionate about making their own song.


Interviewer: Oh that’s interesting, so which music artists do you admire?


Zara Black: I have always loved Nancy Blue I think she’s just simply unique and her songs are beautiful, also Lana Del Rey because I feel her lyrics have so much meaning and she always sings with passion.


Interviewer: Do you perform in public? Describe those occasions? Concerts, radio, TV?


Zara Black: Yeah I perform sometimes in public or when we have a family gathering I sing, my family love it and it boosts my confidence even more…. I’ve been on BBC radio before but that was a one-time offer.


Interviewer: How do you balance your music with other obligations - mate and job?


Zara Black: Well it probably does seem difficult but you just have stay organised. So for me I have a timetable and each day I have something to do , usually my Saturdays consist of me being in the studio and Sundays I like to spend time with my friends and family … it’s not hard just don’t leave things till last minute.


Interviewer: It was great seeing Zara Black today, to listen to her new album “HEAT” before its official release sign in at WWW.BLACKSWAN.COM..

These are my contents pages before I did any final adjustments. On the first one I had done my own animations using in design. the drawing on the earphones and guitar didn't look good as my aim was to have a more profession looking contents page but the drawings looked more childish so I took them away. on the screen shot below it shows where I had removed the drawings, but I kept the music notes where my information will go , I also added an image which represented the graffiti music inspired.